Friday, December 13, 2019
Thursday, November 14, 2019
How I Read
My impressions on "How We Read" gives me a whole other meaning on the word read and how we understand while reading. The first thing that always happens to all of us is asking questions about certain characters or plots. When the answer can be in the book itself.
On Self-Reliance Pt5
- political victory, a rise of rents, the recovery of your sick, or the return of your absent friend, or some other favorable event, raises your spirits, and you think good days are preparing for you. Do not believe it. Nothing can bring you peace but yourself.
- This quote means to me that nothing good is given so you must work and shape it to earn it
- To believe your own thought, to believe that what is true for you in your private heart is true for all men, — that is genius.
- This means to me that being yourself, no matter how ridiculous, can be shown as confidence and genius
- 'Ah, so you shall be sure to be misunderstood.' — Is it so bad, then, to be misunderstood?
- This means that just for having different thinking that you’ll either be criticized or misunderstood
Thursday, November 7, 2019
On Self-Reliance Pt4
- Being consistent is an asset
- From the start of our lives we learn but as we get older we learn the good and bad
- When we rely on something what happens if it has no nor fuel or energy
- An example is a GPS, what if you didn’t have one and had to go home
- People who do easy things never take risks
- To be great is to be misunderstood
- People with good rational arguments are misunderstood
- Be around people you care and try hard to prove your statement
- What if you became aware of the differences you made in people’s lives?
- Such as not being born
- I bring an argument to my group of friends
- So probably without me my group wouldn’t have existed together
Emerson’s idea of speaking out of your private heart.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
On Self-Reliance Pt 3
- Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind”
- Acting good is not as as good as doing good
- Vanity is the desire to look good
- Act who you are not
- Willing to give up time for you not to just act like I care
- Virtue is your generosity
- Rather be myself than someone famous
- “For nonconformity the world whips you with its displeasure”
- People in power that are upset use the art of good conversation?
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
On Self-Reliance Pt 2
- “To believe your own thought, to believe that what is true for you in your private heart is true for all man,-that is genius.”
- When the less mature get what they want
- As young people we only see things as fun or boring
- Independence is seen as out of order
- Emerson sees us as individual thinkers
- “The times have changed” I wholeheartedly agree with Preston
- How back then being different wasn’t feared in schools
- Then how schools were more strict after 9/11
- Thoughts held in ourselves will soon be spoken by another in mind
Monday, November 4, 2019
First Impression: On Self-Reliance
My thoughts “On Self-Reliance” is it gives me whole new understanding of how we think and share our thinking. This essay hits us where we think by having us all realize that standing your ground and presenting something new like an idea can have a big impact on how the community feels. Either having the community completely disagree with you, disagree but argue with you, or completely agreeing and feeling the same way as you. All of us keep our ideas a secret as we’re afraid of repercussions such as judgement or rejection by society.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Let Me Walk You Through The Pedestrian
The author presents “The Pedestrian” by introducing the main character, Mr.Leonard Mead, as a loneliest person. In this story we follow a person named Mr.Leonard Mead who continues to do normal chores such as walking for hours and also feeling lonely at it.
The author ,Ray Bradbury, expresses loneliness by having the main character walk past cottages and homes with only darkness inside of them and no sign of light. To also add on top of the loneliness mood the year is set in 2053 A.D. in a year where people probably never go outside as said,"He would stand upon the corner of an intersection and peer down long moonlit avenues of sidewalk in four directions, deciding which way to go, but it really made no difference; he was alone in this world of 2053 A.D.".
The author compares Leonard Mead to a regular person stuck in the past but living in our modern society. In today's society people are more use to staying in their homes after a hard's day of work or a day in school. Then after arriving home the norm nowadays is to either finish homework or/then sit down, relax, or watch Netflix. But then there's those couple of people that actually open their front door, put one foot in front of the other, and walk outside. Leonard Mead is one of those people. But in Leonard's situation his society is set much further in the future which might be the most introverted society. When Leonard steps outside it feels like a desert. Leonard talks to himself to socialize. That is until he is greeted by a higher authority.
'The Pedestrian" ,as said before, follows a simple man named Leonard Mead in his lonely empty world of 2053 A.D. Leonard is unfortunate to be in this society as this society is now secluded in people's homes and Leonard is the only human to walk to the Outside. While stuck out in this empty desert, Leonard resorts to talking to himself in order to not feel lonely. That is until he's greeted by higher authority. Leonard is not greeted with a "hi" but with an aggressive order to raise his hands. He's asked twice why he's walking outside only for the outcome to still become inevitable. He's taken into the police car and there is no ending to Mead's story.
In conclusion, Ray Bradbury's "The Pedestrian" shows how a introverted society can also affect a simple mans chores such as walking outside. This story shows how a neutral person can have a sudden road block due to society's behavior.
The author ,Ray Bradbury, expresses loneliness by having the main character walk past cottages and homes with only darkness inside of them and no sign of light. To also add on top of the loneliness mood the year is set in 2053 A.D. in a year where people probably never go outside as said,"He would stand upon the corner of an intersection and peer down long moonlit avenues of sidewalk in four directions, deciding which way to go, but it really made no difference; he was alone in this world of 2053 A.D.".
The author compares Leonard Mead to a regular person stuck in the past but living in our modern society. In today's society people are more use to staying in their homes after a hard's day of work or a day in school. Then after arriving home the norm nowadays is to either finish homework or/then sit down, relax, or watch Netflix. But then there's those couple of people that actually open their front door, put one foot in front of the other, and walk outside. Leonard Mead is one of those people. But in Leonard's situation his society is set much further in the future which might be the most introverted society. When Leonard steps outside it feels like a desert. Leonard talks to himself to socialize. That is until he is greeted by a higher authority.
'The Pedestrian" ,as said before, follows a simple man named Leonard Mead in his lonely empty world of 2053 A.D. Leonard is unfortunate to be in this society as this society is now secluded in people's homes and Leonard is the only human to walk to the Outside. While stuck out in this empty desert, Leonard resorts to talking to himself in order to not feel lonely. That is until he's greeted by higher authority. Leonard is not greeted with a "hi" but with an aggressive order to raise his hands. He's asked twice why he's walking outside only for the outcome to still become inevitable. He's taken into the police car and there is no ending to Mead's story.
In conclusion, Ray Bradbury's "The Pedestrian" shows how a introverted society can also affect a simple mans chores such as walking outside. This story shows how a neutral person can have a sudden road block due to society's behavior.
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
First Impression of a Dream
Mr first impressions on A Dream Within a Dream was confusing at first but soon got the gist of its meaning after reading it slowly over and over again. The first part of the poem seem to describe someones departure from a dream as said in the first 2 lines ,"Take this kiss upon the brow!
And, in parting from you now,". The second part seems to describe someone who doesn't want to escape his dream as said,"And I hold within my hand Grains of the golden sand.". Overall this poem shows a happy end and sad ending to a dream.
Friday, September 27, 2019
My Essay Essay
Hawthorne communicates the theme in Young Goodman Brown by having characters with symbolic names, using the setting, and also representing characters as a sort of bad or devilish figure. The author lets us see the pure evil that even the good have in them.
The author first lets us see the good in Young Goodman Brown by having him being woken up by his dearest wife Faith. That is until he walks on onto path towards his evil purpose. In this part the author describes the setting Goodman Brown enters as "darkened by all the gloomiest trees of the forest, which barely stood aside to let the narrow path creep through, and closed immediately behind". Young Goodman Brown then starts to get paranoid of demons being around.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
The Earth on Turtle's Back
My thoughts on "The Earth on Turtle's Back" is that the story is written very well. The way it structures the origins of what was before earth and how it was made. The way the woman is used by having her fall into a hole holding onto nothing but seeds. How animals speak and the use of personification also like the water animals. How the animals see the seeds as the last hope of a new earth.
The Making Of An Essay
Anytime I hear an assignment and it's an essay words such as boredom, long/trouble-thinking, and stress. Writing essays has had a big impact on how I write and how I think. Essays have affected the way I write by having me constantly ask the teacher "oh how do you want me to write it" or "do I write this way". Essays have affected the way I think because I have to remind myself what I have to add in such as a hook in the first paragraph and how many pieces of evidence I need.
Today I'm writing with the intention of being understood. Today I will be expressing my thoughts on the topic of videos games causing violence. I find this excuse for causing shootings to be really stupid as the excuse only factors in that the shooter has played video games and that's it. These news outlets don't look into the person's mental state, how they are at home or school. This just gets on to my nerves when the excuse of a school shooting has to be constantly blamed on video games.
Wednesday, September 4, 2019

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Monday, August 26, 2019
Conscience of a Hacker
I think that "Conscience of a Hacker" is a good display of our modern society. It explains after the beginning of the manifesto that society can turn even the good in people or shape people into something more horrific. Then after being the result of how society wants to treat you, the person enters a whole new world that should not have been destined for them. The manifesto even displays common scapegoats used by politicians such as "All he does is play games". The manifesto also displays hypocrisies that are common with us and the government.
Thursday, August 22, 2019
My Big Question.
Could black holes in space lead to somewhere else? Maybe another solar system? Alternate universe? Another galaxy?
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Thoughts on "The Right To Your Opinion".
Starting from the beginning of "The Right to Your Opinion" I never found anything wrong with being entitled to your opinion. That was until I figured out that to be entitled to your opinion you had to bring facts with it. Sure you can be entitled to your opinion but you have to support your opinion with facts and cant just support it by saying ,"I'm entitled to my opinion!".
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Thoughts on "The Socratic Method".
I feel that the Socratic Method is a very clever method that I have seen to extract another person's perspective of their reality. The dialogue was very interesting as it goes through a student who thinks will find happiness with a high status but will never be remembered for the little impact he made in his community. However, the teacher responds back to him by asking if he preferred to live a life of loneliness or to be loved by your own people. Since having a high status the student still responds with at least not being a loser.
Welcome To My Thoughts!
Welcome to my blog! My name is Robert Ortega Fernandez. I am a 16-year old Junior in Santa Maria High School. I am named after my grandfather. I am planning on becoming a mechanical engineer. I am also good at my Minecraft but if you'd like play with me my PSN is fatman_assassin1.
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